People all across the world love having pets. According to the PFMA, 45% of households in the United Kingdom have pets. There are 167 million cats and dogs living in American households, according to the Humane Society. The fact is that our pets are an extended part of our families.
As DogWorks writes, 33% of U.S. pet owners call and leave messages for their dogs on their answering machines. We cannot bear to be away from our pets. We also cannot bear to see them sick or injured. For dog health issues, we can always turn to our veterinarian. However, just because you know that people need your services as a veterinarian does not mean you have a job. If you are one of many trained veterinarians looking to offer your skills to a vets office, check out these three sources of veterinarian job listings.
- Hill’s
- Jobs.ac.uk
- The American Veterinary Medical Association
Hill’s is a producer of high quality pet food meant to help mitigate dog health problems as well as those with our feline friends. However, Hill’s does not just make pet food. They also keep up a veterinarian job listing for their positions across the world. They staff all sorts of veterinary office jobs. Whether you want to get your start as a researcher or a clinician, Hill’s has veterinarian job listings for you.
This source of veterinarian listings is more encompassing than Hill’s as it is an open job listing forum. The page currently lists a wide variety of teaching opportunities for universities across the United Kingdom. Lecturers, teaching assistants, and fellowship applicants are all in high demand at places like the University of Bristol. If you are looking to educate others on dogs health questions and other animal care issues, check out jobs.ac.uk.
The AVMA is the source for high quality, accurate information on the veterinary sciences in the United States. They provide health information, product reviews, professional development resources, and an employment board full of veterinarian job listings on public display so that all who are qualified can have access. Not only do they offer student externship information and environmental training, but they also list veterinary positions for technicians, office managers, and doctors of veterinary medicine. The AVMA is the most comprehensive source for veterinary employment in the U.S.
Citizens of both the United States and the United Kingdom will have a need for high quality animal care forever. Use these three sources of veterinarian job listings to make sure you put yourself in a position of offering your expertise to them. Wherever you are, be it the UK or the U.S., there is a board with the perfect job for you. Get searching!