An annual vet visit helps keep your pet healthy, and happy, for many years to come. Whether you’re getting a new puppy for you have had a companion for a couple years now, do you know the benefits of taking your pets to a veterinarian annually?
Just like humans, pets need yearly check ups at a vet clinic to insure they are completely healthy. This also is an opportunity to get caught up on shots that might have been missed earlier on.
What to Expect
During a annual vet visit a clinician will check your pets temperature, their teeth, ears, and eyes. They will also check along the body to make sure there are no signs of internal issues. A blood test may be requested if the vet thinks it is necessary.
- While checking the teeth and mouth, a vet will look for any signs of periodontal disease or oral cancer. Some signs of these issues could be tooth loss, pain, or infection. Although many vets state the importance of brushing your pet’s teeth, it’s estimated that 65% of owners don’t follow through. This leads to up to 80% of dogs and 70% of cats showing symptoms of periodontal disease by the age of 3. While it may seem like a trivial thing when your vet suggests it, taking care of your pets oral care is very important to keeping them healthy and happy.
- Checking the eyes can show if there are any signs of vision loss, cataracts, or glaucoma. If any of these issues are left untreated it may lead to blindness and pain in your animal. Obviously, catching these issues early is the best way to take preventive measures and help prevent them from getting worse.
- A vet will also check the ears to see if there is any signs of infection or mites. These issues can lead to pain and deafness is left alone. Yet, another reason to not skip on annual vet visits
- Checking the body also help the vet see if there are any issues that could be plaguing the skin. Allergies, fleas, mites, or abnormal lumps, are all cause for further treatment or testing.
- Checking the joints can also help determine if there are any signs of early arthritis or bone degeneration, which can be common is some breeds of dog. If detected early steps can be taken to help mediate the pain, and help increase mobility.
Taking care your your pet is as essential as taking care of any other member of your family. Don’t skip your next annual vet visit, as catching any issues early can help keep your pet with your family for as long as possible. Additionally, it can help mitigate issues so that pets can be happy for as long as they are with you. Next time you visit your pet clinic, look into setting up visits regularly, and remember that for older animals two visits a year is suggested to help keep them healthy. Don’t take chances with your pets health, schedule an appointment as soon as possible.