Pet grave markers and memorial headstones are a beautiful way to remember deceased companion animals. Pets are often as much a part of the family as human members. Pet owners who have lost their companion may experience the same stages of grief as those that lose a human friend or relative. Pet stones can be an elegant way to memorialize and put closure on this sad event. No matter is your friend flew, slithered, ran or crawled into your heart, they were a valuable and important member of the family in their life and should be remembered as such.
Gravestones for pets can be made from many of the same materials as human grave markers. Headstones for pets can be made from river stone, slate, polished marble, granite and bluestone. High quality memorial pet stones can offer beauty for years to come. Durable stone materials stand up to all kinds of weather conditions. Engraved names and images will be visible for years after stone placement. Molded stones made from cement or stone compounds can have your pets ashes incorporated in them.
Memorial pet stones can be custom engraved with pictures, names, dates or even formed into different shapes. Selecting and placing a memorial pet stone can help provide closure for grieving owners. Pet stones can be placed in pet cemeteries or home gardens. Placing a memorial in a pets favorite spot or surrounded by beautiful flowers can provide peace and illicit happy memories. Stones can be custom built to have pictures of your beloved animal installed on them.
The concept of pet stones and memorializing companion animals is not new. The first pet cemeteries popped up in the United States in the 1940s to bury and memorialize animals who had been in service during the World Wars. Pet owners also memorialize their deceased pets with jewelry, decorative urns or framing a favorite toy or pets collar.